Sunday, January 4, 2009


* day of rest message: feed your spirit with the Word and prayer, focus on God, and love others in 2009...
* visited Grandmama...
* Ye Old Fashioned with the Albachs...
* I gave in to the peer pressure...I'm reading Twilight!


Anonymous said...

Oh no, Ann! Don't do it! Don't read it!

Just kidding. Can I borrow it when you're done?

Anonymous said...

WOW. Everyone is reading that book. I think I might have to give into the peer pressure too. Hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have the 2nd book in reserve - you're not going to be able to stop reading! :)

Anonymous said...

If you are going to read Twilight, you may as well have all four on your nightstand because once you start the first one, you won't be able to stop until the last page of the fourth and then you will still want more book. At least, that was my experience. I have never been so sucked into a series for teenagers before this one. Stephenie is an amazing writer.

PS I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

I also fell into the saga that is Twilight. I loved it and can't wait to get my hands on New Moon tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I was the same way when I started the first book... it was a bit slow at first and now I HAVE to finish all 4 books! I am almost done with the 3rd book. I love your blog!