Tuesday, December 20, 2011

100 in 100...{complete!}

and so, it is finished!  at least for the last 100 days of 2011.

we have officially rid ourselves of {over} 100 items.  and it was actually easy and liberating.  the last 17 items consisted of...

corkscrew, christmas wreath, 7 items of clothing, 2 pillows, television, bag of clothing, doll crib, computer monitor and keyboard, and dressing table...


what i have learned from 100 in 100...
* i am now more conscientious of what i bring into our home...i find myself replacing item for item and really thinking about whether or not i need something.
* i don't need half the stuff i think i do...
* there is a sense of relief when you toss items and have less to worry about, less to clean, and space to breathe...
* i find real worth in the things i DO have, because they serve a purpose (or two or three, now that i am living with less)...
* i realize the capacity i have to bless people with things that i have, or with the time/money that i have now that i live with less...

so, what's next?
i've been thinking about doing the 30 day clothing fast again, to see if i can weed more out of my closet.  i've also thought about going on a spending fast, trying to only buy what we absolutely have to have.  that would be a challenge, since we *really* need mcdonald's french fries about once a week it seems.  one thing for sure, i will continue to rid my home of items in 2012!

any thoughts on what i could do next?

1 comment:

Kim said...

Congrats, Ann! Your passion for downsizing continues to inspire me. Right now, our challenge is simply getting back to controlled spending levels, since things have been crazy with the move. All the little one time expenses, combined with hosting and participating in Christmas parties, have really thrown us off from a disciplined mindset. I have spent the past couple of days getting back on top of our budget and getting it set up for 2012. I also found a free budget app that goes well with Dave Ramsey's envelope plan and lets you record purchases on the go. Historically, I've been bad at remembering to come home and record my purchases (or Greg's receipts) on our Excel budget, so we have never really stayed on top of things on a consistent, day to day level. My challenge to myself in 2012 is to get to that point, and I'm hoping this app (which syncs with Greg's phone and our computer) will help provide some motivation!

PS. It's a crazy world where you can maintain a relationship through blog posts and comments! (Of course, what would be infinitely better would be maintaining a relationship through coffee dates, but you work with what you have:)).