Monday, December 1, 2008

23 days...

from now and we'll be enjoying THE EVE! Wow, I love December.

So here are a few of my favorite *December* things...

* Charlie Brown Christmas

* Starbucks' Christmas blend

* Christmas trees (I have EIGHT in my house...and we only have seven rooms. Go figure.)

* homemade sweet treats

* Christmas music

* crazy lit-up yards with Christmas lights

* George Winston's December

* very few days of school (13 and a half to be exact, but who's counting?)

* holiday parties

* keeping secrets

* shopping

* giving

* family fun

* peppermints

* wrapping presents

* candles in windows

* creating Christmas cards

* receiving Christmas cards

* manger scenes

* the Nativity story

What are some of yours?


Whitney said...

OH! I like stealthily unwrapping my presents! I love Christmas trees too, but apartment living isn't condusive to big huge trees, so we've got a four-footer. I love that you have trees in every room. It's so much more festive that way.

Whitney said...

I forgot when I commented earlier. I gave you an award over at my place!