Monday, May 19, 2008

Proud Mama...

Today was the middle school awards ceremony, and D received three awards- make me SMILE!

He was awarded a leadership award (for his service as Student Council President); a service award (for going above-and-beyond in his service hours); and the biggest surprise, the Milo Coerper Middle School Choir Award, for outstanding vocal/musical performance over the three years of middle school!

He also just found out that he made Chamber Singers for 08-09 (a group of 20 HS vocal performers- he was one of 2 boys who made the cuts) and he was named to the Trident Basketball League's All-Conference Team!

He was a little proud, too...

And just for sweetness sake, here's the other awesome boy in our family, who's award ceremony is NEXT week!


Anonymous said...

All of we are proud too!!!but not surprised

Anonymous said...

go david!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!!