i read crazy love by francis chan for the first time in november 2009. i read it again this summer, and now coach sal and i are teaching a class at our church this quarter, using this book. so i am reading it for the third time.
if you want to really fall in love with God, read it. if you want to rethink how you live for Him, read it. it will make you change the way you think and live each day. be ready.
I went back and read chapter 1 and then chapter 2 to be ready for Sunday... but I couldn't keep myself from reading ahead. I think he TOTALLY hits the nail on the head. Tommy and I have had a lot of the same thoughts recently anyway, but Francis puts it all together in a way that you just can't argue with (well, I'm sure SOMEONE could argue, but still). EVERYONE should read this book! I'm glad it's short because I'll want to read it multiple times.
awesome!! i think it's going to really change us and unite us in a new way...
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