Monday, January 22, 2007

Living water...

Our middle son was baptized yesterday! He is very thoughtful about such things and after some study decided it was time. We were very overwhelmed with emotion for him, as was our minister (his favorite "buddy" at church) who baptized him. He was nervous and finally cracked a smile for me when it was over. A big step of faith...


Lorrie said...

beautiful capture of a water shot. I can't wait until my dd is ready to be baptised. I guess the tears I'll be shedding would also be considered water too huh? Congrats!

Fredi said...

What an awesome shot! You will always treasure that day! What a wonderful "water" picture. Love it!

Stephanie said...


Definitely pictures to treasure!

Mom2Drew said...

Oh, I have tears welling up! What a great post, thank you for sharing!

Heidi said...

Perfect photo for this week's theme. Congratulations on your son's baptism.

Andrea said...

What a beautiful moment. Thank you for sharing it with us!

jordan.krogman said...

Congratulations to your DS and family! Great water shots!

Michelle said...

what a great capture! so neat when they can decide what they believe in and know it in their heart!

lj0208 said...

very nice take on the theme.

a special moment to treasure

Anonymous said...

Very neat! Congrats!

Hope said...

How proud you must be of him. Wonderful shots that I'm sure he and you will treasure always.

Anonymous said...

Oh, girl these turned out great! What a happy, happy day for us all:-)

Michelle said...

wow. great capture.

Jan said...

Congratulations... That is such a proud moment!! (And, how great that it just happens to be water week! :) )

Anonymous said...

This was awesome, I am so glad you got his greatest moments on camera. Its truly fabulous.