Saturday, May 30, 2009

you can't help but smile...

...when you spend half your day in the wind and waves...

...and come home with a prize-stash of sharks' teeth!

Friday, May 29, 2009

movie night...

boys' version...
* two rentals
* take-out pizza

date night version...
* one great flick, "Angels and Demons" (recommend you read the book...and visit Rome first...)
* Moe's for two before we go
(darling daughter was out for the night...)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

remember this game?...

it's a family favorite of ours...
but we sure get crazy when we have to go back to start!
how come you can't ever POP a 6 when you need one?...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

sign of the times...

i will really really miss them...

i feel like i forgot to teach them something...
hard to believe we're trading school books for the sandy beach...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

over the bridge...

this is sooc (straight out of the camera)... and yes, i did take it while driving, but there was no one around me or behind me, so I slowed down to an almost-stop and shot was worth it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

good find...

i bought this ring for $10 at a thrift store a few months was signed on the back (tom nez, navajo), so i knew it was authentic...i wear it almost every day.
i love a unique find!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

the cow has come home!

remember when i blogged about the cow we got for a Christmas gift? and we weren't getting free milk? the cow finally came home...



Saturday, May 23, 2009

farmers' market...

the market was buzzing today, and the peaches were pricey, but oh-oh-oh so sweet...
we bought seven and ate them all in one day!

Friday, May 22, 2009

funniest sight ever...

i scared a teacher when we walked down the hall...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

you get three today!

soda exploded in my purse...not so cool...

soda exploded with the help of some students and some, very cool...

and I got a good shot of myself today...I was pleased with the light and the fact it was a self-portrait...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

and then there were four...

birds. no, not children. we have three and that's perfect.

we went from one egg to two eggs to four eggs to four birds.

how's that for some duplication?
we took this photo before the others hatched...

my heart skipped a beat...

...when I saw this vision in blue...and that they are giving TWO AWAY in July!!!

Check it, please...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

not for the easily embarassed...

don't freak when you see what I took a picture of...

but think about this...

have you ever noticed that they all end in X???



hhhmmm...better be careful how I type that.

playing catch-up...

i am still here
i am taking a college course on m/w from 5.30 to 8.30...
only 4 wums left...
so so so tired

more coming soon

Monday, May 18, 2009

awards day...

this amazingly handsome and smart young boy won three awards today...
* one for academics and character, the top honor among all the 6th graders
* one for his artistic talent
* one for academics in his basketball league
...and this boy has two amazingly PrOuD parents and a wonderfully awesome teacher (seen above) who think he ROCKS!
what a blessed boy...and extremely blessed parents...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

girl scouts are home...

and resting photos.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

girls scouts go camping, day two...

photos coming soon, really soon!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009


aWeSoMe baseball weather...breezy and warm...

...smiling happy people (because they ate grilled hotdogs, boiled peanuts, pretzels...oh, and bought cheap sunglasses)...

...still smiling, even in the 9th inning with no score...

...fireworks are fAnTaBuLoUs when the riverdogs pull it off in the tenth inning, yah!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

rock on...

he's such a good guitar player at his age...he plays all the time. ALL. THE. TIME.
and he's blessed to have a couple of great teachers (mentors) and to get to play for an hour at school every day.
his newest song to play is "it's a beautiful day" by U2.
(did i tell you he also has good taste in WHAT to play?)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

snug and warm...

remember the hanging basket plants on the front stoop on the last photo?

this seems to happen every year. they must like us...

...that and the momma know if we got three kids, she's safe with us. we can handle it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

the place where we live...

"Our house, in the middle of our street...

Our house, in the middle of our street..."
This is our house...the third house we've actually owned. We bought our first house right after we got our first jobs and had our first baby. Nine years and three children later we decided we wanted more space and less traffic, so we built our second house. Our "dream" house, our final house. Two years later we decided to not only escape the traffic that had enveloped us again, but to also sell our house in order to finance a 30 day trip across the country in an RV with our three children. (Yes, just like the movie...I should probably blog that story sometime...) We then decided to move closer to downtown and school (since we seem to spend so much time there) and we bought a 1964 brick ranch house. It's the smallest of the three, but there are SO many things I love about it...
* brick
* crawl space
* attic!
* ChArAcTeR!!
* hardwoods
* my pink (with original pink toilet and sink) and lilac tiled bathrooms
* our huge yard, front and back
* REAL grass that actually is rooted in the ground and grows
* two car garage that the cars will actually FIT in
* NO community organization taking your money and telling you that you can't have a basketball goal and they don't want to see your swingset or trampoline over the joke.
* my pocket door between the kitchen and dining room
* the front door, original to the house
Of course there are things that our old house needs right windows, new a/c unit, new roof, paint paint and more paint, etc etc... but I must say, I enjoy a work-in-progress! I like having "projects" to do. What else are two teachers supposed to do in the summer? (coach sal would disagree)
Maybe I'll show some other rooms...until then, I leave you with this:
"Our house it has a crowd
There's always something happening
And it's usually quite loud
Our mum she's so house-proud
Nothing ever slows her down
And a mess is not allowed"
Well...messes may not be "allowed", but they sure do happen! That's why I'll have to show you other rooms later.

Monday, May 4, 2009

girl scouts are so handy...

Ok, this is not the most exciting post ever, but what the girls did tonight was cool.

They made "fire kisses". (Huh? What? I don't know what that is, you say? yeah, me neither.)

Here's what they are- shaved candle wax wrapped up like "candy" in wax paper.

Here's what they are for- fire starters!

Like I said, you can always count on a Girl Scout to be prepared.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

we got locked out...(more on that)...

Saturday was almost perfect...we slept late, I made chocolate chip waffles for breakfast, we went to the beach for the first time in 2009...

...can you feel the excitement???
Then we got locked out- of our house.
I left my key for my dad so that he could check our A/C unit while we were gone. He thought it was my extra key.
It was my ONLY key.
I got the news while sitting on the beach midafternoon...with the view I had, who could be mad??
The kids actually were thrilled- adventure, here we come! Since coach sal was at the state track meet in Columbia until evening, we had nowhere to go and NO CLOTHES.
Walmart for clothes...$70.
Lunch at Chickfila...$25.
Changing clothes in the back of the van and hanging out at Granny and Opa's for five hours...PRICELESS.
(I told my dad the next time he wanted us to come over and visit, to just call. It was cheaper.)
Oh...and the day wasn't perfect because coach sal wasn't with us at the beach. Bummer.
BUT...if he had been, we'd have missed out on the FUN!
Guess there's a reason for everything.